Every quote and feature is an honor and the kindling I need to keep writing. Check out all the ways Hygge in the Now has been in the press.
Hygge in the Now in the Press
It’s a writer’s greatest honor to be quoted and featured “in the press” – in publications other than your own. It feels like the world saying “You have important information to share and we are here to listen”.
As Hygge in the Now grows and spreads the message of “hygge” far and wide, this page will expand and be filled with links that have made me feel proud and thereby sparked my desire to keep writing.
Hygge: A Heart-warming Lesson from Denmark by the BBC:
“Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be felt,” translator ToveMaren Stakkestad has written. Maybe the only way to understand this slippery cultural idea is to visit Denmark, rather than read about it.
Hygge Design and Decor: The Secrets to Creating a Happy Home by RedFin:
You can start simple, like grabbing throws or using a blanket you just knitted to make your couch a comfy lair. Or you can hire a contractor to do something spectacular, like creating a home theater you’ve always dreamed of. If the electrician is already coming by to set up new lighting fixtures, why not chat about setting up surround sound speakers? Just imagine how cozy it would be to curl up on your couch and watch the Avengers while the snow comes outside.
If you prefer books, “your bookshelves should be filled with your favorite reads and a big ‘to be read’ stack of books calling your name,” shares Hygge in the Now. Look into a new bookshelf to house your favorites and place it next to your chair or couch. That way, you don’t even have to get up when you finish one; you can just grab the next novel right off the shelf. Bean bag chairs are also a great addition to any comfy reading nook.
How to Contact Hygge in the Now for a Press Feature:
If you have comments or questions, please email me directly at tovemaren@mamainthenow.com, or reach out via social media – I am only an email or private message away.
To discuss collaborations, press features, request a media kit and rate sheet, or inquire about strategic alliances, kindly email me at tovemaren@mamainthenow.com.
I look forward to hearing from YOU!